Royal Chundu Foundation School

Royal Chundu Foundation School

Using profits from tourism and donations to strengthen community education in Zambia, a model for responsible development and a reminder that children everywhere have the same potential and many of the same needs as kids here in Chicago.

Let’s Not Return to the Old “Normal”

It is safe to say that virtual coffees and cocktails are inadequate substitutes for the real thing, and we cannot wait to resume in-person meetings. But serving clients remotely throughout the pandemic has challenged us to adopt new tools and approaches, some of which have improved the process of serving our clients. When we retire […]

How Partnership — in Life and Work — Fuels Our Business

Bonnie and David together

Goodman Law Group | Chicago’s COO Bonnie Goodman brings a unique set of skills and experience to her work for the firm. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a part-time practice as a geriatric therapist, and an accomplished former marketing manager for a Fortune 500 company, Bonnie has a gift for perceptive listening and […]